Sweet and healthy – pastries for Advent and Christmas

It does not always have to be just Vanilla crescents and Co, which should be on the pastry dish during Advent and Christmas season. Those who wants to provide a little healthy and yet delicious variety, can use the delicious biscuits and pastries from Maria Adam natural products. The Nerve biscuits according to Hildegard of Bingen taste wonderful after Christmas and strengthen the nerves with their special spice mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. The included original Spelt, which incidentally is the basis for all Maria Adam natural products, ensures good digestion. It improves blood counts and is known as real allergy brake.

Energy biscuits according to Hildegard

The Original Spelt energy biscuits release everyday stress and help to overcome worries and hardships. At the same time they increase performance, concentration and vitality. Constant stress weakens our immune system and especially in the otherwise quiet pre-Christmas period, many people are under current. „Quenched wine and one to three energy biscuits are an excellent sleeping aid,“ says Hildegard expert Maria Adam. Psyllium(Flea seed) biscuits contribute to natural digestion. Psyllium(Flea seed) keep the intestines healthy and strong.

Practical baking mixes

If you would like to serve fresh pastries during Advent or Christmas coffee, you can fall on the practical baking mixes. Strictly in accordance with the subtlety apprenticeship of the visionary, healer and mystic Hildegard of Bingen, they will be done in no time. The sweet mini muffins make children’s hearts beat faster and fill the house with a delicious gingerbread fragrance. The chestnut cookies contain many vitamins and minerals and are also available as a practical baking mix in Maria Adam natural products.

Fresh quince cuts

From the fresh Spelt yeast dough with quince from Maria Adam natural products, many different delicacies can be made. An absolute highlight for large and small guests is the baking mix for quince cuts. Refined with Hildegard spices, raw sugar cane and genuine Bourbon vanilla, can simply be mixed and, freshly sprinkled with quince jam, fresh on the Advent or Christmas coffee table. So, just taste it and delicious and healthy pastries according to Hildegard of Bingen come directly to your home.

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