Healthy snacks for young and old

Original Spelt honey pops, nerve cookies and co strengthen the nerves and immune system!

Breakfast cereals or cookies are particularly popular among children as snacks. But ingredients and additives of traditional sweets often leave something to be desired. They are also overloaded with sugar and everything but a healthy start to the day!

Maria Adam Natural Products offers the alternative to sugar-coated supermarket products all without flavour and preservatives, with sugar being saved. The fine Hildegard spices make our cookies & co a special taste experience.

Just try it out and enjoy how good healthy taste can be!

Original Spelt honey pops!

Ideal for a healthy (children) breakfast: The Original Spelt Honey Pops The Naturally Better for More Joy of Life line!

They are made from uncrossed original Spelt from certified organic farming. Without preservatives or artificial additives they form a healthy start for the day.

Nerve diet!

Only the finest selected ingredients are used in our processed Spice cookies (Nerve cookies according to the original recipe of Abbess Hildegard). They all taste good – across generations. Hildegard’s nerve cookies have a beneficial effect on the entire vegetative nervous system due to the cinnamon, nutmeg and clove mixture.

Everything without additives and without egg!

It is up to you to find out whether you like the Quince Spelt cookies or our Galgant-spelt cookies, Chestnut cookies or the Flea seeds(psyllium) cookies. They are all particularly characterized by their special additives and ingredients! The quince also protects the body against hyperacidity, galgant increases well-being and fitness, flea seeds (psyllium) helps digestion and the chestnuts is stomach friendly.

All our cookies are also available in the funny smiley cute design especially for kids!

Slimming snacks!

As a „slimming agent“ and as a support during the Lent period Fasting barand the Original Spelt-Chestnut-Cookies (fasting bites) are very popular. They are chewed for a long time and can stop cravings in this way. So they are the ideal snack for those who want to „lose weight“.

For children and adults!

These delicious snacks from the Naturally Better for More Joy of life product line delight children and adults. They give their parents the certainty of pampering their offspring with healthy snacks.

To get to the healthy snacks, just click here.

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