Biography of Maria Adam
The love of nature was placed in Mary Adam’s cradle. She grew up among flowers and herbs at her parents‘ nursery and worked there at a young age. Even as a young child, she taught her father to name the individual plants and recognize their active ingredients. Nevertheless, it took a while until this knowledge could be used.
1981 was a year of reorientation for Maria Adam. Exactly at this time, she discovered Hildegard of Bingen in Dr. Hertzka’s book „God Heals.“ She realized that deep truth in it and suddenly knew about the meaning thereof for her own life.
Rediscovered knowledge
The final impetus for her work today was finally given by a lecture series by Dr. Hertzka, the rediscovery of Hildegard’s knowledge. “ Among many people, there will be, someone who adopts the nutritional knowledge of Hildegard of Bingen,“ was the appeal of Dr. Hertzka to his audience. Maria Adam felt addressed and sought ways to realize, live and publish the rediscovered wisdom of Hildegard of Bingen.
Studying and starting a business
With this visionary motivation, Maria Adam studied for several years the Physika ( the healing power of nature) and the theories of Hildegard of Bingen. So many recipes were created – from breakfast to dinner; Rubbings, oils, ointments and drops – which, throughout the seasons, sustains the health of the healthy and restore health to the sick.
With the purchase of her organic production plant, Maria Adam finally realized her dream of a company, which since 2000 autonomously produces Naturally Better for More Joie de Vivre (Joyful life) products entirely in very small and large quantities.