A balanced life. This is the secret of health and balance of fluid by Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard doctor, Gottfried Hertzka and Dr. Wighard Strehlow have created the following (life) rules according to Hildegard of Bingen, after many years of study.
Living in harmony with nature and the environment
We draw strength from nature and the four elements: water, earth, fire and air. A walk in the park or in the woods, a warm log fire in the winter evening or a break in the midday sun – this is how we fill up our energy. Particularly in our fast-moving world, it is important to create retreats.
Pay attention to the subtlety of food
Hildegard of Bingen pays particular attention to nutrition. It does not matter what we eat. Food should be our remedy. Especially in a time of abundance, it is important to know where our food comes from. Just as important as the subtlety is keeping the measure.
Rest and exercise
Stress and hectic rush make you sick. This has been scientifically proven. But too little exercise is unhealthy. Hildegard of Bingen repeatedly points out the right amount of rest and movement. After a hard day, one should put one’s feet up with a clear conscience. But one should occasionally pay attention to breaks between.
Sleep and wakefulness
Body, mind and soul regenerate during sleep, whereby each person has a different need for sleep. A short power mapping for lunch is just as important as a good night’s sleep. Those who exactly feel and know their sleep rhythm, get new energy in their sleep.
Purify and detoxify
There are many methods for purifying and detoxifying in Hildegard medicine. From fasting to therapeutic fasting with liver wrap up to the Bear root pear honey treatment. Hildegard of Bingen emphasized especially on detoxifying with the bloodletting or cupping. Read more about bloodletting here.
Strengthen mental defense
In order to strengthen your mental „immune system“, it is important to eliminate bad qualities like envy, resentment, anger, excessiveness. Hildegard of Bingen has described in her books exactly how to deal with such vices. If you consciously cultivate your own personal strengths, the weaknesses will increasingly take the background.