Liebe Hildegard Freunde!! Unser neuer Produktkatalog ist eingetroffen Hier zum Reinschmökern: Maria Adam Gesamtkatalog 2024 Für alle, die Hildegard kennen und lieben haben wir unser Sortiment überarbeitet, das wir Euch nun im neuen Produktkatalog stolz präsentieren!...
Fasting tea
The medlar – an almost forgotten fruit!
The medlar - an almost forgotten fruit! The medlar (Mespilus germanica), which presumably comes from Asia, was already a popular fruit tree in the Middle Ages, but is hardly known today. Magnificent growth - healing effects The medlar Medlar, belongs to the pome...
Nutrition according to Hildegard of Bingen – The Spelt
Forscher haben festgestellt, dass mehr als 40 % unserer Gesundheit von der Ernährung abhängt. Nur 10 % sind genetisch und durch Umwelteinflüsse bedingt. Unsere Ernährungs- und Lebensgewohnheiten haben direkte Auswirkung auf unsere Gesundheit. Lebensmittel sollen...
Sorghum herbal drink – elixir
Sorghum herbal drink - elixir Only natural ingredients such as sorghum fern, long pepper, cinnamon and bee honey are used for our sorghum herbal drink according to the original recipe of the abbess Hildegard of Bingen. A pleasantly aromatic herbal drink for food...
Enthusiastic Herba Mellis customers‘ reviews:
This product was developed according to the subility theory of Hildegard of Bingen. The positive ingredients of Herba Mellis increase your vitality and joy of life. All of these effects are mainly due to the phytochemicals and essential oils and have been...
Enthusiastic Herba Mellis customers reviews:
This product was developed according to the subility theory of Hildegard of Bingen. The positive ingredients of Herba Mellis increase your vitality and joy of life. All of these effects are mainly due to the phytochemicals and essential oils and have been...
The fennel that makes you happy! Foeniculum vulgare (lat.)
The fennel that makes you happy! Foeniculum vulgare (lat.) It is one of the few hundred percent healthy universal remedies in various forms of Hildegard therapy. In addition, fennel also provides fresh breathe. Fennel early in the morning (preferably before breakfast)...
The fennel that makes you happy! Foeniculum vulgare (lat.)
The fennel that makes you happy! Foeniculum vulgare (lat.) It is one of the few hundred percent healthy universal remedies in various forms of Hildegard therapy. In addition, fennel also provides fresh breath. Fennel early in the morning (preferably before breakfast)...
Who was the Saint Hildegard of Bingen?
Who was the Saint Hildegard of Bingen? Hardly can any medieval personality today enjoy as much attention as Hildegard of Bingen - one of the most important women of the German Middle Ages. She is regarded today in various circles to be the first German natural...
Who was the Saint Hildegard of Bingen?
Who was the Saint Hildegard of Bingen? Hardly does any medieval personality today enjoy as much attention as Hildegard of Bingen - one of the most important women of the German Middle Ages. She is regarded today in various circles to be the first German natural...
White Angel – Healthy energy drink according to Hildegard of Bingen
White Angel - Healthy energy drink according to Hildegard of Bingen It is a deliciously sparkling pleasure - especially in the summer: the drink stimulates without upsetting. White Angel - the healthy energy drink according to Hildegard of Bingen promotes...
The skin by Hildegard of Bingen
The skin is often referred to as the "mirror of the soul". With a size of up to 2 m², it is also one of the largest and most amazing human organ. Many diseases of our skin are merely "symptoms" of mental imbalance and / or malfunction in the digestive tract....
The skin by Hildegard of Bingen
The skin is often referred to as the "mirror of the soul". With a size of up to 2 m², it is also one of the largest and most amazing human organ. Many diseases of our skin are merely "symptoms" of mental imbalance and / or malfunction in the digestive tract. Bear root...
Healthy snacks for young and old
Original Spelt honey pops, nerve cookies and co strengthen the nerves and immune system! Breakfast cereals or cookies are particularly popular among children as snacks. But ingredients and additives of traditional sweets often leave something to be desired. They are...
Healthy snacks for young and old
Original Spelt honey pops, nerve cookies and co strengthen the nerves and immune system! Breakfast cereals or cookies are particularly popular among children as snacks. But ingredients and additives of traditional sweets often leave something to be desired. They are...
Rules of life according to Hildegard of Bingen
A balanced life. This is the secret of health and balance of fluid by Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard doctor, Gottfried Hertzka and Dr. Wighard Strehlow have created the following (life) rules according to Hildegard of Bingen, after many years of study. Living in...
Medicine cabinet and first-aid kit according to Hildegard of Bingen
Insect bites, minor injuries or colds are an issue all year round. We have the best tips on how you can naturally get rid of these annoying companions and small ailments with a simple medicine cabinet and first-aid kit according to Hildegard of Bingen. Against sting...
Medicine cabinet and first-aid kit according to Hildegard of Bingen
Insect bites, minor injuries or colds are an issue all year round. We have the best tips on how you can naturally get rid of these annoying companions and small ailments with a simple medicine cabinet and first-aid kit according to Hildegard of Bingen. Against sting...
The quince – queen of fruits – health from nature
The quince - queen of fruits - health from nature Taste our fresh, healthy and delicious quince products. Just before the first frost comes, the quince is ready for harvest. Our quinces are immediately processed fresh from the tree into our diverse quince products....
The quince – queen of fruits – health from nature
The quince - queen of fruits - health from nature Taste our fresh, healthy and delicious quince products. Just before the first frost comes, the quince is ready for harvest. Our quinces are immediately processed fresh from the tree into our diverse quince products....
Hildegard of Bingen recipes
The basis for the Hildegard diet is uncrossed Original Spelt. Maria Adam Natural products uses only the Oberkulmer red corn variety . Eliminate industrially processed foods and wheat from your diet and replace them with healthy Hildegard food. Hildegard of Bingen...
Hildegard of Bingen recipes
The basis for the Hildegard diet is uncrossed Original Spelt. Maria Adam Natural products uses only the Oberkulmer red corn variety . Eliminate industrially processed foods and wheat from your diet and replace them with healthy Hildegard food. Hildegard of Bingen...
The easy fasting plan for body, mind and soul!
The easy fasting plan for body, mind and soul! Knives and forks are to blame for the fact that more and more people give up their spoons! Hildegard of Bingen on fasting: "If you are not completely healthy and not yet ill, moderate fasting brings health. Even the...
The easy fasting plan for body, mind and soul!
The easy fasting plan for body, mind and soul! Knives and forks are to blame for the fact that more and more people give up their spoons! Hildegard of Bingen on fasting: "If you are not completely healthy and not yet ill, moderate fasting brings health. Even the...